Baby classes

Babies can start classes from as young as 7 weeks old.

Bubbles swim school baby classes provide a safe, warm quiet environment in a private pool. There are a maximum of six baby/adult pairs in the pool at one time, allowing you lots of space and no background noise, that you find in many other pools. The changing rooms are clean and warm too which is a great benefit

The teachers will help you learn how to support your baby safely in the water, and how to further develop yours and your baby’s confidence.

All the activities in class are structured around routine and developing skills, using songs and key words which babies soon recognize, this leads on to developing water confidence, memory and coordination skills.

The key benefits of baby/toddler swimming are:

Developing early water confidence leading to confident and safe swimmers as your child gets older.

Bonding time for you and your baby/Toddler.

Helps babies gain not only confidence but social skill, great coordination and balance, strengthens muscles, lungs and respiratory system, helps develop sensory skills, cognitive development and  learning to relax.

Submerging your baby is not compulsory, but if its something you wish to do you will be instructed on how to do this safely. Using key words and eye contact with your baby you will know if they are happy to be submerged.


  • Limited to 6 baby / guardian pairs per class
  • 30 minutes long
  • Fully qualified instructors
  • Longtown or Hayton pools

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